- 242 pp received overnight emergency services
- 41 pp were placed in housing
- 200 pp received street outreach/day services
- 92,000 meals were served
Emergency Shelter

Treatment Program

- 209 pp received residential services at Walter’s House
- 61 pp completed their treatment program, graduated and/or successfully connected with other placement or care
- 447 referrals were made to partner agencies for additional services and support
- 49 pp participated in the outpatient program with 39 graduations
Housing Program

- 58 pp housed in permanent supportive housing (43 households)
- 88 pp housed in sober living environment transitional housing
Fourth & Hope operates a 100-bed emergency shelter, which is the largest shelter in Yolo County and operates 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Separate dorms are provided for men and women, 60 beds for men and 40 beds for women. Program participants have access to restrooms, showers, laundry, transportation, phone, mail services, and case management.
Our case management team offers personalized support with long-term goals for each client. Support includes linkages and referrals to housing, employment, health services, income assistance, clothing, benefits, document support, and problem-solving while offering emotional support along the way. This team also provides support for clients in our housing programs. Clients are required to follow a case plan specific to their individual needs.
In 2023, Fourth & Hope provided shelter services for 242 individuals. 41 people were placed in permanent supportive or stable housing. 200 individuals received street outreach/day services. And, 92,000 meals were served to shelter clients and anyone in need of a meal by our staff and volunteers.
Fourth & Hope’s day services are provided from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in a gated courtyard area that is set up for protection from extreme weather. The day services program utilizes a case management model of service delivery with client care coordinators who provide engagement, assessment, and resource/referral services, including linkages to the CoC – Coordinated Entry system, health care services, and housing.
The Woodland Police Department has also created the Homeless Outreach Street Team (HOST) which routinely visits locations where people are experiencing homelessness – on the street, camping, in the hospital, and the shelter. They establish relationships with unhoused individuals throughout Yolo County and provide assessments, resources, and housing navigation services. To learn more click here.
The Fourth & Hope housing program provides permanent supportive and transitional housing at multiple sites. Permanent Supportive Housing provides homes for individuals and families with a disability and who experienced homelessness. Sober Living Environment is a peer-supported transitional housing program with linkages to outpatient treatment. Ongoing case management is available for all housing clients. The program’s goal is to place people into housing as quickly as possible to provide stability and recovery from a crisis.
Last year, 58 people were housed in permanent supportive housing (43 households), and 88 people were housed in sober living environment transitional housing.
Walter’s House – Residential & Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs
Walter’s House is a residential substance use disorder treatment facility for women and men. Services include assessment, treatment planning, counseling, education, family therapy, crisis intervention, and aftercare planning. The program is certified by Medi-Cal and accredited by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities). The outpatient program offers group and individual sessions.
Residential Program is Licensed and Certified by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), ensuring the highest standards of care.
License and Certification Number: 570008AN
Effective Date: 09/01/2023
Expiration Date: 08/31/2025
Outpatient Program is Certified by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).
Certification Number: 570008BN
Effective Date: 02/01/2023
Expiration Date: 01/31/2025
Licensing and Certification Statement
Walter’s House is Licensed and Certified by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to provide residential and outpatient substance use disorder treatment services.
For a complete list of California-licensed recovery and treatment facilities, please visit the DHCS database: SUD Recovery Treatment Faciliti.es.
To learn more about regulatory requirements, visit: BHIN 22-022 Docume. nt
Fourth & Hope offers three meals a day, every day to anyone in need of a hot meal. Lunch is served at 12 noon, and dinner is served at 5:00 p.m. Last year, 92,000 meals were served. Our dedicated volunteers help our team prepare, cook, and serve these meals. We are so grateful to the community members who support our program and help those in need. If you are interested in joining our volunteer program contact us at [email protected] or call 530.503.0550.
* Above numbers were originated from the 2023 Annual Report