& then Hope Prevails

In her earlier years, Barbara always had good jobs and could take care of herself. Once she reached retirement age, she and her husband moved into a senior apartment to live out their golden years together. Then an unexpected turn of events led to her divorce at the age of 72. Alone for the first time, she not only struggled emotionally but also financially. Barbara couldn’t pay her bills on a single income and had no family or other support system to fall back on.

“At 72 it is extremely hard to get a job,” Barbara said. She felt helpless, and hopeless, and gave in to the idea of living the rest of her life on the streets of Woodland. Then she learned about Fourth & Hope’s emergency shelter and made the call for a bed.

Sadly, we here at Fourth & Hope are seeing an increase in senior citizens walking through our doors. Many like Barbara are finding themselves homeless for the first time. It is heartbreaking, but we’re here to keep them and others off the cold streets. For 38 years we’ve provided a safety net for our neighbors who slip into homelessness, and we help them bounce back and start over.

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Before her eviction, Barbara placed all her life’s possessions into storage and packed one suitcase squeezing in a few essentials to take with her to the shelter. She walked out her front door toward a frightening unknown and stood on the sidewalk… homeless. Moments later, our team was there at her side and took her to our shelter. “It’s like a family here. When you arrive, you are welcome here. You feel like you are someone to somebody,” said Barbara as she wiped off her tears. “I’m blessed that I’m here, really blessed.”

“Fourth & Hope really tries to help you through your problems and your troubles. You can talk to the team whenever you want, and they are open to listening,” said Barbara. “The shelter is assisting me with doctor and dental visits, food stamps, clothing, and makingsure I’m healthy eating three meals a day. They are also working hard to find me housing.”


“There are many people who lose their jobs and whole families are taken out, not necessarily because of something they did, but of something that happened to them. Fourth & Hope also helps people lost in their addictions to alcohol and drugs. They know how to get them the help they need. This place is phenomenal, it is, it is just phenomenal. What wonderful work they are doing. And I just really appreciate being here, having gone through what I did,” said Barbara. Again, wiping the tears from her eyes, gasping for the words to finish her thought, she whispered, “I thought I would be on the streets, and they saved a bed for me, so I’m really thankful.”

There have been thousands of Yolo County residents like Barbara who found themselves living on the streets, and for 38 years Fourth & Hope has been there, 365 days a year. From food and shelter to treatment and housing, your support provides these life-changing services. Every dollar that goes to Fourth & Hope makes a vital difference in the life of a homeless individual. Because of you, last year 280 individuals received overnight shelter services, 66 people were placed in permanent/stable housing, and 93,000 meals were served. Thank you!

This holiday season, please consider donating. Just $25 provides a homeless neighbor a night of shelter (staffed 24/7), a warm bed, three nutritious meals, clean restrooms and showers, laundry, and an onsite case management team. We thank you for your continued commitment to our lifesaving work. Together, we’ll continue to change lives and build toward a healthier community.

Thank you! God bless your good heart, and Merry Christmas!

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